Please help us out here Matthew Monaghan GAICD FGIA FIML

There seem to be a few discrepancies in this Resume, we will get to your later ones in future posts.

2019 Resume

Wasn’t this actually August 2017- September 2018?

Network Australia wasn’t registered with ASIC until 15/02/2016 so how were you employed by them in July 2015?

Clean Energy Council. You claim you were a “consultant”? Were you not an employee and employed, for a Probationary period , March 20 2017- 16th June 2017.

Optometry Australia. Wasnt your status that of Employee and not consultant Via Network Consulting(which wasn’t registered until February 15 2016) and the actual period of employment August 19th 2015- February 22 2016? On what grounds did you conclude employment here?

IPAA Acting Chief Executive. 6 months or 6 weeks? Wasn’t it from May1 2015- June 18th 2015?

What we we know? Dogs Victoria was happy enough with this resume and your skill set weren’t they Lynne? Maybe rather than send members to discipline Lynne can respond and let members know what due diligence Dogs Victoria does when employing CEO’s? After all with the apparent departure of CE Jason Eggleton,, not employed through any HR firm, who will they pick next? Someone’s buddy no doubt. Fake News will be ahead of the game on this one and be conducting a full review of the new CE, to save Dogs Victoria from more unnecessary losses and breaches of Legislation.

Tomorrow we will “review” some of this employment “history”, and the incompetence and neglect of the Dogs Victoria (Mis)management Committee will be clear.

Attention all news media and former employers of Matthew Monaghan, please check back in for daily updates on Matthew Monaghan on Fake News. Learn about Matthew Monaghans” employment History” with plenty of information that you probably wont find on the internet….anymore.

Click here to link to yesterdays story starring CEO Matthew Monaghan

We note this paragraph from the above article referencing a Workcare Claim.

“The WorkSafe investigation was tough, draining, it wasn’t easy,” she said. “I had bad anxiety, panic attacks. I had two panic attacks over Christmas. I had self-doubt and turned it all on myself. I’d never felt so powerless in my life.”
In a statement, Monaghan said the WorkSafe “matter is in process and is confidential”.

We would be contacting other organisations on the above resume to see if any similar issues arose there. Ummmm