Matthew Monaghan GAICD FGIA FIML , the darling of the Dogs Victoria (Mis)management Committee

Not only did they not do their due diligence on his prior employment history, they actually sent the Member, who asked why not, to Investigations.

Acting President Lynne Harwood, acting President that ignored concerns and instead sent the person who could have saved Dogs Victoria hundreds of thousands of dollars to investigations.

Under the “leadership” of Matthew Monaghan GAICD FGIA FIML 😂, Dogs Victoria burnt through so much cash, three years rent payed on vacant office premises in North Melbourne was just the beginning, churned staff and…

….re started the dumping of soil on KCC Park, with no written contract and no evidence ever provided that anyone approved this, which directly resulted in KCC Park now being a contaminated site.

Did you know that it’s likely Dogs Victoria Directors will be investigated for personal liability in the coming years when the PFAS leaches beyond the boundary of KCC Park ? We wont spoil that, you can wait and see if we are right in 2 years time. When have we been wrong?

Here’s a 2019 Resume from….

….Matthew Monaghan GAICD FCID FIML…

…(oh those “credentials always crack us up)see how it stacks up against his current LinkedIn Resume, you can do your own searching to find that.

Tomorrow we will “review” some of this employment “history”, and the incompetence and neglect of the Dogs Victoria (Mis)management Committee will be clear.

Attention all news media and former employers of Matthew Monaghan, please check back in for daily updates on Matthew Monaghan on Fake News. Learn about Matthew Monaghans” employment History” with plenty of information that you probably wont find on the internet….anymore.

Click here to link to yesterdays story starring CEO Matthew Monaghan