Fake News Ahead of the News again. Ex Dogs Victoria CEO Matthew Monaghan GAICD FGIA FIML, (we love that he always pops in these two bob qualifications in media as it makes it so much easier to identify his history) his recent position as CEO of the Franchise Council of Australia, “stars” in the Business News Today!

Click here to link to todays Age Expose starring former Dogs Victoria’s CE Matthew Monaghan

“As franchisors partied in Cairns, the body representing them was on the brink of financial ruin The organisation designed to support Australia’s franchising industry has…

… burnt through staff, cash and its reputation.

There are now serious questions about its future.”

By Sumeyya Ilanbey

“Cracks began to emerge in May 2023, according to a dozen people who spoke to this masthead on the condition of anonymity, not long after the FCA board appointed…

…Matthew Monaghan…..

….as chief executive.”

“It was a decision the board has now come to regret.”

Attention all news media, please check back in at Fake News and we will upload some information on Matthew Monaghans “employment History” that you probably wont find on the internet.

Oh! Wasn’t it under the “inspirational” CE Matthew Monaghan that the Dirt Pile re started? Then there’s President Wayne Fleming….thats another story.

But for now lets have a laugh at the Dogs Victoria clowns

Dogs Victoria were advised of material discrepancies in Matthew Monaghans employment history and in writing but preferred to let him stay, with no scrutiny, and burn through Dogs Victorias bank balance.

Dogs Victoria stood by Matthew Monaghan, throwing a rounds claims he was ….


Rather than investigate with the due diligence expected of Directors, the (Mis)management Clowns, led by then Acting President Lynne Harwood decided instead to send the Member to Investigations for raising these concerns.

Nice one Lynne!
Nothing to say Lynne?

It was probably way more fun to jump on the cash splash Monaghan sleigh with new North Melbourne offices, fantasy vet clinics, wasn’t there a dog food business somewhere in there too?

Oh Lynne, can you tell us what authorisation CE Matthew Monaghan had to go out and buy the Field Officers car….that is sitting unused now?

Tell us Lynne, how exactly did the chosen ones Strategic Plan go?

Just imagine, if Dogs Victoria had ever listened to the Fake news teams warnings, how much better off Dogs Victoria would be and how many millions more would there be in the bank, not to mention the PFAS situation that would have been actioned!