Director David Barclay “rewarded” with Life Membership for services to the Vin McPhee Ministry of truth?

Freedom of information?

Not if Dogs Victoria could stop it…but they failed as they always do!

So much for honest transparency.

Dogs Victoria and Lancore sure didnt want this Freedom Of Information FOI released as it was to later prove that Dogs Victoria lied to its Members.

In summary Dogs Victoria and Lancore agree they dont want FOI on dealings with PFAS released from a Government Department. Director David Barclay and Lancore in cahoots trying to stop Dirt Pile Information being released/

Lancore even consults its legal team to see how to “prevent this information being released…”

Here is an email exchange from “agent” Director Barclay to Director Chris Moore.

“At least September is 3 months away”

Dogs Victoria (Mis)management, just a house of cards playing for time till the ponzi scheme comes tumbling down. Imagine the sigh of relief the clowns breathed when they successfully “talked down” a Resolution to actually face music with a licensed valuation of KCC Park!