Vice President Jan Robinson has told so many different fairy tales about supposed “litigation” over the dirt pile PFAS.

Please explain this email correspondence from Chief Executive Jason Eggleton to the EPA in December 2022??

December 2022 email released under Freedom Of Information from Environmental Protection Agency, EPA

“Why it is suddenly Dogs Victoria responsibility to implement the EMP?”

States CE Jason Eggleton, what a clown!

Actually CE Jason Eggleton you obviously do, as you have either no clue or you are guilty of something else!

This is hilarious!!! The Environmental Management Plan was signed off in October 2021 with full knowledge of Dogs Victoria and derived from the Coffey Report findings and recommendations.

And Dogs Victoria Fake News calls out CE Jason Eggletons “suddenly” claim and can even provide proof of this in a Media post.

Oh what’s this?? What? Published in October 2022, two months before CE Jason Eggletons above email to the EPA??

Here we go, have a look at the below page which is from Dogs Victoria Fake News October 2022!

October 2022, two months before Australias worst performing CE wrote the above email, Dogs Victoria Fake News had actually published an “Anniversary” story on the year that had elapsed since the EMP was signed , a story that contained a link to the full document and that highlighted Dogs Victorias responsibilty as the “holder” of the EMP.

Click Here for a link to the October 2022 story and ask yourself ….

……how can it be true that Dogs Victoria Clowns think the responsibility is …

…suddenly theirs?

Tune in next time and we can have fun with this line too.

Why is Lancore not being held responsible for the pollution of our site by the EPA?”

And we can see what Vice President Jan Robinson knows about the EPA position.