President Vin McPhee the “Captain” of the rudderless ship, Dogs Victoria.

The failed Legacy of President Vin McPhee, his four year term Report card.

Let’s go through his various promises, commitments and statements and see if he accomplished anything positive in his failed four year term.

Well just to kick off this series on President Vin Mcphees failed legacy this one looks like a good starting point, after all without a strategy how can any organisation plan for the future or deliver in the present?

“The key priorities for the new Management Committee team as I see them include:Implementing carefully the Dogs Victoria Strategic Plan”

Not only did he fail to implement this “Key Priority”, in the subsequent years he failed to show any leadership and vision and to this day Dogs Victoria, in a time of great change and risk, has come up with no alternative Strategic Plan.

How does an organisation run year after year, for the length of President Vin Mcphees failed four year term, with no strategic plan or direction? Is it any wonder Dogs Victoria is in the mess it is now, and with more to follow.

A rudderless ship (Mis)managed by a crew of clowns.

Please download the above strategic plan and look at all the lost years and opportunity wasted by these clowns.

Perhaps President Vin McPhee read Page 8 of the Strategic Plan and thought it best to “bury” it

Take a few minutes to read through this above table from page 8 of the Strategic Plan! Isn’t it absolute gold and yes, nothing has changed!