Child safe? “Not on our watch” is the message from Dogs Victoria.

Please Note, this new series of posts about Dogs Victorias failure to comply with Child Safe Standards is NOT for DOGS VICTORIA MEMBERS.

Dogs Victoria Members have shown they overwhelmingly do not care about protecting children and by voting against a recent Special Resolution at the AGM to “Take their responsibilities under the Act seriously”, with only one lone Director raising a hand to support it, there is no point addressing these members.

Read about the shameful behaviour of Dogs Victoria Members here.

These sad people have voted on the record. Let’s hope they are proud of themselves.

Now, lets leave behind those Dogs Victoria members with no care for Child Safety Standards, and further enlighten the the general public, who are big followers of Fake News, amazed as they are that this rotten organisation just keeps on delivering, over and over, such disgraceful behaviour … we go!

As it stands a convicted sex offender has not a single safety check requirement to become a Dogs Victoria Judge in a position of power of minors.

How is it possible that an organisation with a multimillion dollar turnover, dozens of staff, with a position of responsibilty to oversee animal welfare for government, could be so lax?

Can it be gross incompetence?

Or is there something more sinister at play?

Child Safe Standards

Click here to see some of the penalties that can/will be applied.

The Child Safe Standards require organisations involving children to have policies, procedures and practices to keep them safe.

Victoria’s Child Safe Standards are a set of mandatory requirements to protect children and young people from harm and abuse.

The Child Safe Standards (the Standards) commenced in Victoria in January 2016.

Changes have been made to make the Standards even stronger.

The new Child Safe Standards came into force on 1 July 2022 and organisations need to comply with these new Standards.

Dogs Victoria has clearly demonstrated its negligence in failing to comply with Legislation.

Learn more about the faces behind Dogs Victoria

CE Jason Eggleton, appointed a full year before the Standards needed to be complied with in July 2022.

Further confirmation as his status as Australia’s Worst Performing CE.

Is it truly believable that a Chief Executive could be so incompetent and negligent that he would allow his organisation to fail so dismally in complying with legislated Standards to protect children.

Not only did he take up the role a year before the legislation took effect, he has had two years since that compliance date to make the organisation comply with the law.

The supreme incompetence of this CE is shown here, if you click on the link on the dogs Victoria website to its supposed Child Safety Policy, as announced a while ago to the members by CE Jason Eggleton

This is what you will find!! An infographic from the Commission for Children and Young People!

Seriously! Members pay close to a reputed $200,000 a year for this clown and he tells members this is a “Policy” .

What does this clown do all day?

Much more and many faces to follow, the public needs to know the faceless ones behind this organisations failing to implement the legislated Child Safe Standards.