Bendigo Bank liable as mortgagee in possession for multimillion dollar clean up and compensation?

Wonder what the Bendigo Bank shareholders think of this risk?

With Dogs Victoria KCC Park a permanently contaminated site under an Environmental Management Plan for the ongoing responsibility for the PFAS contamination, what is the risk to the Bendigo Bank Shareholders?

The PFAS is already leaching into the groundwater and heading in a NW direction at last testing. This trajectory is towards large acre primary dairy producer and beyond that the Sandhurst residential Estate.

Dogs Victoria, currently running at a financial loss and arguably destined for future losses, is dependent on its $2.5Million cash reserves.

This will pale in to insignificance when any further clean up or removal notice is issued if, or more likely when, the PFAS is detected on the adjoining properties.

As Mortagee on Title, if Dogs Victorias becomes insolvent Bendigo Bank will become Mortgagee in Possession and bear the full liability for clean up and compensation to adjoining properties

Dogs Victoria Duty of Disclosure?

As it stands Dogs Victoria refuse to acknowledge any financial impairment nor provide a Licensed Valuation for the clearly impaired property.

They have gone as far in the latest Financial Reports to INCREASE the site value by over $2 Million dollars purely on the basis of a Council Valuation.

Have Dogs Victoria informed Bendigo Bank, as Mortgage, of the material change to the secured asset?

EPA Reports are linked below