Why bother?

We were going to do an in depth break down of the random opportunistic fee rises of Dogs Victoria but in all honesty its a waste of time.

You all know the obvious! Dogs Victoria is an incompetent inefficient and negligently administered organisation.

Ask yourselves what have the current Management Committee under the “leadership” of Vincent Paul McPhee, Jan Robinson and CE Jason Eggleton, achieved in the last 18 months?

Tens of thousands spent on aborted and wasteful planning issues, most of which relate to the rear toxic dirt pile that members have always been told would be completed at no cost to members, ha ha sure!

How about any new efficient document flows and payment systems? DV doesn’t even have an online form that works, let alone any form of payment cart for everyday paperwork.

Staff turnover is through the roof and if you know how the office runs you can understand why anyone would run!

KCC Park, a facility that is literally crumbling before your eyes with a leaking rusting pavilion and toilets that bubble faeces….while the Management buy golf buggies to joy ride around the park on.

Members have been seriously mislead about the toxic PFAS on the park that Dogs Victoria have “ignored” for the last year despite an Environmental Management Plan that has hundreds of thousands of dollars required to be spent on it. Every year it is left uncapped , particularly in this wet weather, the contamination spreads further and the costs rises.

It is the incompetent and maybe worse, management that allowed this waste to be deposited as Dogs Victoria “ignored” and did not comply with a 2018 planning permit issued by Frankston Council.

Regardless of the PFAS, a few hundred thousand dollars of earthworks will be needed to clear Rodds Drain, a Melbourne water easement that Dogs Victoria “filled” and was supposed to have cleared as per 2018 permit.

This Planning permit has expired and Dogs Victoria now face potentially huge penalties.

Litigation? What a joke, do you know the “removal” of Frank Tipping and Dianne Lee from the Management Committee by Vin Mcphees discriminatory “Rule” changes is likely to cost Dogs Victoria hundreds of thousands?

Clearly Dogs Victoria Management failed in its “Positive Duty” to an act of Parliament and members will pay the the price.

Dogs Victoria had two court hearings this week…guess how they went!

Tick tock!

What about animal welfare?

For all your fees and levies…dogs Victoria managed a whole 7 field inspections for a whole year?

How does that look when the organisation is under attack by animal activists, can you really expect not to be in the spotlight?

And DV bought a car “exclusively” for Field Inspections a few years ago…what’s that being used for now?

What positive action has President Vincent Paul McPhee done for this organisation that you can see? Is there a vision for the future? An increase in efficiency?

All we see is division, secrecy and a vision less organisation stumbling into oblivion.