The two faces of Dogs Victoria

Some people pay $30 a year to get a hard copy of the the Magazine and Gazette posted to them…

Others pay nothing and view theirs online…

So what is the problem?

Below is page 40 of the hard copy Gazette posted out to members

This is Page 40 of the online version!

And what the hell is this? Page 40 of the “online” version? No Christmas cheer here its a totally different Gazette than the one that members who payed $30 received.

Massive massive fee rises tucked away here that are not in the printed version! Sneaky sneaky

What is really funny however is that…

…the $30 fee to get a hard copy of the Magazine and (some of the) Gazette…

…has gone up to $35! Now thats hilarious! What a clown show!

Whats the moral of the story?

Oh forgive us we are lost for words..

…”morals” and Dogs Victoria in the same sentence had us rolling on the floor in mirth.

Be sure to tune in next time for more “examples” of Dogs Victoria at work!

Maybe we will look at this amazing road to nowhere that so sums up Dogs Victorias “direction”