Will Vincent Paul McPhee and Jan Robinsons “mute” button work when Dogs Victoria face Magistrates court?

Yes book your tickets!!

We’ve all seen how the management of Dogs Victoria shut down anyone by hiding behind the mute switch, last AGM was a great case in point where we heard them shutting off not only members but famously Jan Robinson cutting off Vero Voting CEO when he queried her “adding” votes to the real and official voting platform!

Dogs Victoria has of course disregarded its own rules and held recent AGMs’ virtually only to hide from the face to face.

The upside is its been hilarious watching Vin McPhee and Jan Robinsons body language when under scrutiny, a picture, and video, is worth a thousand words as they say.

And Vins “apology” for being “passionate” about governance!

Bet its full house at Magistrates, what a show it will be!