President Vin McPhee, help us out here…

…we can’t seem to find the Special Resolution that you seconded for Rodger Bridgeford in 2021 in the list of Motions listed in the March Meeting Agenda.

We thought you had to have Special Resolutions lodged in writing to the Chief Executive by 31st January 2021?

RULE 2.98.3 (As amended 1.6.98)

“A member desiring to bring any business before an Annual General Meeting shall give notice in writing of that business to the Chief Executive by no later than 31st January who shall include the business in the next notice calling an Annual General Meeting given after receipt of the notice from the member.”

Let’s have another look in case we missed it.

No, can’t see it here…

…or here…

…or here…

…or here…

…or here…

…or here…

…yawn…or here.